Shipping & delivery

We are proud to offer international shipping methods that are currently available in over 200 countries and islands worldwide. Nothing means more to us than giving our customers great value and service. We will continue to grow to meet the needs of all our customers and deliver a service that exceeds all expectations anywhere in the world.

Cancellation of ordered goods

All orders can be canceled within 48 hours from when you placed your order.

How do you send packages?

Packages are sent from our warehouse in China or the Netherlands.
The delivery will be sent with Postnord and delivered to you via home delivery with our International partner Yun express

Do you ship worldwide?

Yes. We offer free shipping to over 200 countries around the world. However, there are some places we can not send to. If you happen to be in one of these countries, we will contact you.

  • We deliver our products from producers outside Sweden. Thus, we ask for understanding that the delivery time is longer. If your product has not been delivered within the estimated delivery time or if you have questions regarding your order, please contact our customer service which is available every day of the week and will help you within 24 hours.
  • We offer free shipping for all products in our range.

Why do we work as we do?

To avoid warehousing costs and thereby reduce the final price for you as a customer. The disadvantage is that you have to wait longer for your product, but the advantages are large savings and quality-assured products, where we offer a 365-day open purchase with a money-back guarantee.

and customs?
No customs duty is added

How long does the delivery take?

Shipping varies by country, here are our estimates:

Place* Estimated shipping time
UK5-7 Working days
Germany, Netherlands, EU7-10 Working days
Australia, New Zealand7-15 Working days
Mexico, Central America, South America, USA7-10 Working days

* Delivery process approx. 1-2 working days

* Delivery process personal dog harness approx. 3-4 working days The product is made to order

Do you publish package tracking?

Yes, you will receive an email when your order is shipped containing your tracking information. Contact us if you have not received tracking information within five days.

Will my goods be sent in the same package?

For logistical reasons, items in the same purchase are sometimes sent in separate packages, even if you have specified combined shipping.